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Healthy Hydration

Staying hydrated is one of the most important aspects of a wellness plan. It keeps you energized throughout the day, boosts your metabolism and helps to flush the toxins out of your vital organs. Certainly sugary sodas, energy drinks and coffee have fluid in them, but nothing beats water when it comes to pure hydration. Those aforementioned drinks can be tasty, but they include ingredients other than water, many of which are incredibly unhealthy.

How Much Water Do I Need?

Generally, women need about 75 ounces of water a day, and men need about 100 ounces. That isn’t how much you should be drinking in a day, though. That’s the total amount of water needed, including the fluid found in the food we eat. There’s an often cited rule of “eight 8-ounce” glasses of water, but this has never been substantiated by medical evidence. It’s safer to say that you should try to drink enough water that you’re urinating once every 2-4 hours with urine that is light in color.

Stay Ahead of Dehydration

If you’re really thirsty, you’re likely already dehydrated. It’s important that you drink plenty of fluids throughout your day, especially if you’ll be outside in the sun or if you’re exercising. Getting the appropriate amounts of liquid into your system will benefit you in both the short and long-run. Being fully hydrated will give you more energy when performing a workout so that you’ll be able to get the most out of your exercise routine.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

  • Try to carry a portable water bottle around with you.
  • Don’t go more than a few hours without drinking a glass of water.
  • Drink a glass of water as a before-bed ritual.
  • Drink a glass of water as an I-just-woke-up ritual.
  • Drink a glass of water before and throughout each meal.
  • Avoid alcohol the day before you plan on having a long day of exercise.
  • Drink a glass of water before, during and after any physical exercise.

Suggested Reading

Success Strategies from Winning Losers

If you want to know how to lose weight and keep it off, why not ask 5000 people who have maintained at least 30lbs of weight loss for over 12 months? Since 1994, Rena Wing, Ph.D. and James O. Hill, Ph.D. have maintained the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), an ongoing project that tracks people who have achieved long-term weight loss. [Read more]

High Fructose Corn Syrup and Your Health

Increasing evidence points to a connection between a common processed food ingredient and the rise in chronic diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease, obesity, and high cholesterol.
[Read more]

Yoga Provides Mental and Physical Benefits

For many people, yoga isn’t just a workout—it’s a way to feel and look younger for life. If you’ve never tried it, your anti-aging program may be the perfect time to start. [Read more]

Using Fitness to Unwind

Absolutely everyone is exposed to stress, but we all handle it in different ways. Before reaching for a snack to calm those nerves, try going for a walk. [Read more]

Increase Your Workplace Well-Being

Use these four Zen workplace tricks to boost your well-being and end your day on a calm and stress-free note. [Read more]