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Buy Modafinil Over The Counter

Drug Name: Modafinil (Generic)
Tablet Strength: 100mg 200mg
Best Price: $1.08
Payment: Visa, MasterCard
Shipment: International Delivery Service
RX: Not Required

Modafinil is a drug that improves the cognitive functions of the brain. Because of this, it is very popular among students and people whose work requires increased attention and concentration. In addition, modafinil is one of the drugs used to treat narcolepsy.

When a doctor prescribes this drug to a patient, the prescription accurately describes the dosages that the patient must adhere to. Another thing is people who order modafinil online and take it to improve brain function. Many of them, especially those who first decide to take the drug, are lost when it comes to determining the most appropriate daily dosage.

The mechanism of action of the drug

Modafinil (2-(diphenyl methyl)-sulfinyl acetamide) has a strong stimulating effect on the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata. The drug affects the functions of brain cells directly and through the system of neurotransmitters - chemicals that enhance or inhibit the transmission of nerve signals. In the hypothalamus, neuropaths are activated that implement the action of orexins, neurotransmitters responsible for the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. Their deficiency is diagnosed in people with narcolepsy. Other mechanisms of action of Modafinil include:

  • activation of adrenaline receptors
  • enhancing the effects of histamine and serotonin
  • decreased activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors.

Thus, the drug enhances the action of substances that excite the nervous system, and suppresses the function of the inhibitory mediator. Unlike methamphetamines, it does not significantly alter dopamine and serotonin transmission, so it does not cause a euphoric effect. Modafinil is rated as a psychostimulant with a low narcotic potential, non-addictive with single use.

The effect of Modafinil on the body

Modafinil improves tone and physical energy by suppressing the need for sleep. At the same time, patients maintain or even increase concentration of attention, working memory, the ability for spatial analysis and solving logical problems. The increase in cognitive functions is most pronounced in individuals with initially reduced intelligence and a low level of education.

After taking Modafinil, motivation and job satisfaction increase. Thanks to the activation of serotonin, mood improves, self-confidence appears, depression, anxiety, and irritability decrease. Many patients note that while taking the drug they have become more sociable and friendly, ready to interact with people and speak in public.

Therapeutic use of the drug

According to the instructions, Modafinil is indicated for patients with excessive sleepiness, provoked by narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, or a circadian cycle disorder. The most common use of the drug is in the United States, where it is prescribed not only for pathological sleep disorders, but also for sleep-wake disruptions in night shift workers, military, and pilots. According to independent surveys, foreign doctors use Modafinil for indications that are not approved in official recommendations and instructions. It is prescribed in the complex therapy of depressive disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, bipolar affective disorder, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, myotonic dystrophy, fibromyalgia.

Application features - recommended dosages

For the treatment of drowsiness and narcolepsy, the drug is used once a day in the morning in an amount of 200-300 mg.


A dosage of 400 mg can lead to difficulty falling asleep at night. In studies in which pilots of aircraft and helicopters took part, a dosage of 600 mg, divided into several doses, made it possible to maintain high accuracy, good reaction and concentration for a day and a half.

In the case of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, increasing the dose from 200 to 400 mg did not show a noticeable difference in the results.